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Lead-free Reflow Oven T200A

Along with the development OF the electric technology, SMT is used more and more widely. The mini type product LINE which is larva by Torch is good for the popularization OF SMT. Torch wants contribute itself to the development OF the electric industry OF China. According to practical requirement OF the clients, T200A is designed and manufactured by Torch technologists on the base OF technical accumulation for many years. It up has many specialties look as high precision, multi function; practicality; steady capability; long would run; energy-saving with high efficiency; viewable operation. It is been adapted in research centers, were industry, middle and small sized corporation, small Private corporation and of other electronics production companies.


 Along with the development OF the electric technology, SMT is used more and more widely. The mini type product LINE which is larva by Torch is good for the popularization OF SMT. Torch wants contribute itself to the development OF the electric industry OF China.
 According to practical requirement OF the clients, T200A is designed and manufactured by Torch technologists on the base OF technical accumulation for many years. It up has many specialties look as high precision, multi function; practicality; steady capability; long would run; energy-saving with high efficiency; viewable operation. It is been adapted in research centers, were industry, middle and small sized corporation, small Private corporation and of other electronics production companies.
 Main feature:
 A. High precision. Multi function. It of satisfies all welding requirement OF 0201 resistance and capacitance, fine spacing QFP, SOP, PLCC, BGA, CSP and so on. It meets the requirements OF small batch and multi-mode product. It is thus suitable for laboratory to take research.
 In Energy saving with high efficiency; A machine with several uses. It CAN fuel element used to solidify SMT - Adhesive.
 C.Long would run and smooth capability.
 D.Visible operation. It is the best choice for teaching and scientific research.

 Main technical parameters:







         Temperature control segment


         20-40 of segment. the numbers OF temperature control segment and the temperature control accuracy AR the highest in Market. User CAN set the segment according to the requirements in pay coil machine.


         Temperature zone numbers


         Single segment and multi-segment control


         Temperature control system


         AUTOMATIC temperature control with PID intelligence more microcomputer. CSSR non contact outputs.


         Temperature accuracy




         hot UP time




         Temperature rank


         Room-temperature-350℃, high temperature resistant material, it is suitable for small batches lead free pay coil.


         Heating supply


         Infrared ray + Hot air convection


         Effective working table AREA


         360mm*230mm (less than A4)


         Welding time




         Temperature curve


         More temperature curve CAN fuel element set in pay coil machine according to the requirements.


         Cooling system


         Transverse flow equal cooling


         Rated VOL-meets


         AC single phase, 220V; 50Hz


         Rated power




         Mean power










         Length*width*height 700*460*310mm



Beijing Torch Co., Ltd
Als professioneller Anbieter elektronischer Montageausrüstung und -dienstleistungen ist ein High-Tech-Unternehmen in der Forschung und Entwicklung, Produktion und dem Vertrieb von Halbleiterverpackungsmaschinen, SMT-Produktionsanlagen und Verbrauchsmaterialien tätig.Wie Vakuum-Reflow-Öfen, Die-Bonder usw. Derzeit verfügt das Unternehmen über mehrere Tochterunternehmen und bietet Ihnen qualitativ hochwertige Produkte zu Vorzugspreisen.



Tel.: 400-998-9522 / +86-137-0131-4315
Adresse: Nr. 7, Lijing Road, Bezirk Pukou, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
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